/************************************************************************************************ * Floatbox v3.24 * December 01, 2008 * * Copyright (C) 2008 Byron McGregor * Website: http://randomous.com/tools/floatbox/ * License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) * This comment block must be retained in all deployments and distributions *************************************************************************************************/ function Floatbox() { this.defaultOptions = { /***** BEGIN OPTIONS CONFIGURATION *****/ // see docs/options.html for detailed descriptions /*** ***/ theme: 'auto' ,// 'auto'|'black'|'white'|'blue'|'yellow'|'red'|'custom' padding: 12 ,// pixels panelPadding: 8 ,// pixels outerBorder: 4 ,// pixels innerBorder: 1 ,// pixels overlayOpacity: 55 ,// 0-100 controlOpacity: 60 ,// 0-100 autoSizeImages: true ,// true|false autoSizeOther: false ,// true|false resizeImages: true ,// true|false resizeOther: false ,// true|false resizeTool: 'cursor' ,// 'cursor'|'topleft'|'both' infoPos: 'bl' ,// 'tl'|'tc'|'tr'|'bl'|'bc'|'br' controlPos: 'br' ,// 'tl'|'tr'|'bl'|'br' boxLeft: 'auto' ,// 'auto'|pixels|'[-]xx%' boxTop: 'auto' ,// 'auto'|pixels|'[-]xx%' shadowType: 'drop' ,// 'drop'|'halo'|'none' shadowSize: 12 ,// 8|12|16|24 enableDrag: true ,// true|false showCaption: true ,// true|false showItemNumber: true ,// true|false showClose: true ,// true|false hideFlash: true ,// true|false hideJava: true ,// true|false disableScroll: false ,// true|false autoGallery: false ,// true|false preloadAll: true ,// true|false enableCookies: false ,// true|false cookieScope: 'site' ,// 'site'|'folder' language: 'auto' ,// 'auto'|'en'|... (see the languages folder) graphicsType: 'auto' ,// 'auto'|'international'|'english' urlGraphics: '/floatbox/graphics/' ,// change this if you install in another folder urlLanguages: '/floatbox/languages/' ,// change this if you install in another folder /*** ***/ /*** ***/ navType: 'both' ,// 'overlay'|'button'|'both'|'none' navOverlayWidth: 35 ,// 0-50 navOverlayPos: 30 ,// 0-100 showNavOverlay: 'never' ,// 'always'|'once'|'never' showHints: 'once' ,// 'always'|'once'|'never' enableWrap: true ,// true|false enableKeyboardNav: true ,// true|false outsideClickCloses: true ,// true|false numIndexLinks: 0 ,// number, -1 = no limit indexLinksPanel: 'control' ,// 'info'|'control' showIndexThumbs: true ,// true|false /*** ***/ /*** ***/ doAnimations: true ,// true|false resizeDuration: 3.5 ,// 0-10 imageFadeDuration: 3.5 ,// 0-10 overlayFadeDuration: 4 ,// 0-10 splitResize: 'no' ,// 'no'|'auto'|'wh'|'hw' startAtClick: true ,// true|false zoomImageStart: true ,// true|false liveImageResize: false ,// true|false /*** ***/ /*** ***/ slideInterval: 4.5 ,// seconds endTask: 'exit' ,// 'stop'|'exit'|'loop' showPlayPause: true ,// true|false startPaused: false ,// true|false pauseOnResize: true ,// true|false pauseOnPrev: true ,// true|false pauseOnNext: false // true|false /*** ***/ }; /*** ***/ // Will inherit from the primary floatbox options unless overridden here // Add any you like this.childOptions = { overlayOpacity: 45, resizeDuration: 3, imageFadeDuration: 3, overlayFadeDuration: 0 }; /*** ***/ /***** END OPTIONS CONFIGURATION *****/ this.init(); } Floatbox.prototype = { panelGap: 22, infoLinkGap: 16, showHintsTime: 1600, zoomPopBorder: 1, controlSpacing: 8, minInfoWidth: 80, minIndexWidth: 120, ctrlJump: 5, slowLoadDelay: 750, loaderDelay: 200, autoSizeSpace: 4, initialSize: 120, defaultWidth: '85%', defaultHeight: '82%', init: function() { this.setOptions(this.defaultOptions); if (typeof fbPageOptions === 'object') this.setOptions(fbPageOptions); this.setOptions(this.parseOptionString(location.search.substring(1))); this.items = []; this.nodeNames = []; this.hiddenEls = []; this.timeouts = {}; this.pos = {}; var path = this.urlGraphics; this.slowZoomImg = path + 'loading_white.gif'; this.slowLoadImg = path + 'loading_black.gif'; this.iframeSrc = path + 'loading_iframe.html'; this.resizeUpCursor = path + 'magnify_plus.cur'; this.resizeDownCursor = path + 'magnify_minus.cur'; this.notFoundImg = path + '404.jpg'; var agent = navigator.userAgent, version = navigator.appVersion; this.mac = version.indexOf('Macintosh') !== -1; if (window.opera) { this.opera = true; this.operaOld = parseFloat(version) < 9.5; this.operaMac = this.mac; } else if (document.all) { this.ie = true; this.ieOld = parseInt(version.substr(version.indexOf('MSIE') + 5), 10) < 7; this.ie8b2 = version.indexOf('MSIE 8.0') !== -1 && navigator.appMinorVersion === 'beta 2'; this.ieXP = parseInt(version.substr(version.indexOf('Windows NT') + 11), 10) < 6; } else if (agent.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1) { this.ff = true; this.ffOld = parseInt(agent.substr(agent.indexOf('Firefox') + 8), 10) < 3; this.ffNew = !this.ffOld; this.ffMac = this.mac; } else if (version.indexOf('WebKit') !== -1) { this.webkit = true; this.webkitNew = parseInt(version.substr(version.indexOf('WebKit') + 7), 10) >= 500; this.webkitOld = !this.webkitNew; this.webkitMac = this.mac; } this.isChild = !!(self.fb && self.fb.fbBox); if (!this.isChild) { this.fbParent = this.lastChild = this; this.anchors = []; this.children = []; this.preloads = {}; this.preloads.count = 0; this.html = document.documentElement; this.bod = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; this.rtl = this.getStyle(this.bod, 'direction') === 'rtl' || this.getStyle(this.html, 'direction') === 'rtl'; this.xhr = this.getXMLHttpRequest(); this.strings = { hintClose: 'Exit (key: Esc)', hintPrev: 'Previous (key: <--)', hintNext: 'Next (key: -->)', hintPlay: 'Play (key: spacebar)', hintPause: 'Pause (key: spacebar)', hintResize: 'Resize (key: Tab)', imgCount: 'Image %1 of %2', nonImgCount: 'Page %1 of %2', mixedCount: '(%1 of %2)', infoText: 'Info...', printText: 'Print...' }; } else { this.fbParent = fb.lastChild; fb.lastChild = this; fb.children.push(this); if (this.fbParent.isSlideshow) this.fbParent.setPause(true); this.anchors = fb.anchors; this.children = fb.children; this.html = fb.html; this.bod = fb.bod; this.rtl = fb.rtl; this.xhr = fb.xhr; this.strings = fb.strings; } this.browserLanguage = (navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage || navigator.systemLanguage || navigator.browserLanguage || 'en').substring(0, 2); if (!this.isChild) { var lang = this.language === 'auto' ? this.browserLanguage : this.language; if (this.xhr) { var that = this; this.xhr.getResponse(this.urlLanguages + lang + '.json', function(xhr) { if ((xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 203 || xhr.status === 304) && xhr.responseText) { var ltArrow = String.fromCharCode(8592), rtArrow = String.fromCharCode(8594), text = xhr.responseText; if (that.ieXP) { text = text.replace(ltArrow, '<--').replace(rtArrow, '-->'); } try { var obj = eval('(' + text + ')'); if (obj && obj.hintClose) that.strings = obj; } catch(e) {} } if (that.rtl) { if (!/^(ar|he)$/.test(that.language)) { that.strings.infoText = that.strings.infoText.replace('...', ''); that.strings.printText = that.strings.printText.replace('...', ''); } that.strings.hintPrev = that.strings.hintPrev.replace(ltArrow, rtArrow).replace('-->', '<--'); that.strings.hintNext = that.strings.hintNext.replace(rtArrow, ltArrow).replace('<--', '-->'); var t = that.strings.hintPrev; that.strings.hintPrev = that.strings.hintNext; that.strings.hintNext = t; } }); } } if (!this.rtl && (this.graphicsType.toLowerCase() === 'english' || (this.graphicsType === 'auto' && this.browserLanguage === 'en'))) { this.offPos = 'top left'; this.onPos = 'bottom left'; } else { this.offPos = 'top right'; this.onPos = 'bottom right'; this.controlSpacing = 0; } this.zIndex = { base: 90000 + 10*this.children.length, fbOverlay: 1, fbBox: 2, fbCanvas: 3, fbMainDiv: 4, fbLeftNav: 5, fbRightNav: 5, fbOverlayPrev: 6, fbOverlayNext: 6, fbResizer: 7, fbZoomDiv: 8, fbInfoPanel: 8, fbControlPanel: 8 }; var match = /\bautoStart=(.+?)(?:&|$)/i.exec(location.search); this.autoHref = match ? match[1] : false; }, tagAnchors: function(baseEl) { var that = fb.lastChild, doOutline = this.ieOld && /^fb/.test(baseEl.id); function tag(tagName) { var elements = baseEl.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) { var el = elements[i], revOptions = that.parseOptionString(el.getAttribute('rev')), href = revOptions.href || el.getAttribute('href'); if (that.autoGallery && that.fileType(href) === 'img' && el.getAttribute('rel') !== 'nofloatbox') { el.setAttribute('rel', 'floatbox.autoGallery'); if (that.autoTitle && !el.getAttribute('title')) el.setAttribute('title', that.autoTitle); } if (doOutline) el.setAttribute('hideFocus', 'true'); that.tagOneAnchor(el, revOptions); } } tag('a'); tag('area'); }, tagOneAnchor: function(anchor, revOptions) { var that = this, isAnchor = !!anchor.getAttribute; if (isAnchor) { var a = { rel: anchor.getAttribute('rel'), rev: anchor.getAttribute('rev'), title: anchor.getAttribute('title'), anchor: anchor, thumb: this.getThumb(anchor) }; var match; if (a.thumb && (match = /(?:^|\s)fbPop(up|down)(?:\s|$)/i.exec(anchor.className))) { var up = (match[1] === 'up'); a.popup = true; a.thumb.style.borderWidth = this.zoomPopBorder + 'px'; anchor.onmouseover = function () { a.thumb.style.display = 'none'; var aPos = that.getLeftTop(this, true), aLeft = aPos.left, aTop = aPos.top; aPos = that.getLayout(this); a.thumb.style.display = ''; var relLeft = (aPos.width - a.thumb.offsetWidth)/2, relTop = up ? 2 - a.thumb.offsetHeight : aPos.height, scroll = that.getScroll(), screenRight = scroll.left + that.getDisplayWidth(); var spill = aPos.left + relLeft + a.thumb.offsetWidth - screenRight; if (spill > 0) relLeft -= spill; var spill = aPos.left + relLeft - scroll.left; if (spill < 0) relLeft -= spill; if (up) { if (aPos.top + relTop < scroll.top) relTop = aPos.height; } else { if (aPos.top + relTop + a.thumb.offsetHeight > scroll.top + that.getDisplayHeight()) relTop = 2 - a.thumb.offsetHeight; } a.thumb.style.left = (aLeft + relLeft) + 'px'; a.thumb.style.top = (aTop + relTop) + 'px'; }; anchor.onmouseout = function () { a.thumb.style.left = '0'; a.thumb.style.top = '-9999px'; }; if (!anchor.onclick) anchor.onclick = anchor.onmouseout; } } else { var a = anchor; } if (/^(floatbox|gallery|iframe|slideshow|lytebox|lyteshow|lyteframe|lightbox)/i.test(a.rel)) { a.revOptions = revOptions || this.parseOptionString(a.rev); a.href = a.revOptions.href || anchor.href || anchor.getAttribute('href'); a.level = this.children.length + (fb.lastChild.fbBox && !a.revOptions.sameBox ? 1 : 0); var a_i, i = this.anchors.length; while (i--) { a_i = this.anchors[i]; if (a_i.href === a.href && a_i.rel === a.rel && a_i.rev === a.rev && a_i.title === a.title && a_i.level === a.level) { a_i.anchor = anchor; break; } } if (i === -1) { a.type = a.revOptions.type || this.fileType(a.href); if (a.type === 'html') { a.type = 'iframe'; var match = /#(\w+)/.exec(a.href); if (match) { var doc = document; if (a.anchor) { doc = a.anchor.ownerDocument || a.anchor.document || doc; } if (doc === document && this.currentItem && this.currentItem.anchor) { doc = this.currentItem.anchor.ownerDocument || this.currentItem.anchor.document || doc; } var el = doc.getElementById(match[1]); if (el) { a.type = 'inline'; a.sourceEl = el; } } } this.anchors.push(a); if (this.autoHref) { if (a.revOptions.showThis !== false && this.autoHref === a.href.substr(a.href.length - this.autoHref.length)) this.autoStart = a; } else if (a.revOptions.autoStart === true) { this.autoStart = a; } else if (a.revOptions.autoStart === 'once') { var match = /fbAutoShown=(.+?)(?:;|$)/.exec(document.cookie), val = match ? match[1] : '', href = escape(a.href); if (val.indexOf(href) === -1) { this.autoStart = a; document.cookie = 'fbAutoShown=' + val + href + '; path=/'; } } } if (isAnchor) { anchor.onclick = function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (this.ie && !e) { var iframes = self.frames, i = iframes.length; while (i-- && !e) { try { if (typeof iframes[i].window === 'object') e = iframes[i].window.event; } catch(err) {} } } if (!(e && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey)) || a.revOptions.showThis === false || !/img|iframe/.test(a.type)) { fb.start(this); if (this.ie && e) e.returnValue = false; return false; } }; } } return a; }, fileType: function(href) { var s = href.toLowerCase(), i = s.indexOf('?'); if (i !== -1) s = s.substr(0, i); s = s.substr(s.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (/^(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)$/.test(s)) return 'img'; if (s === 'swf' || /^(http:)?\/\/(www.)?youtube.com\/v\//i.test(href)) return 'flash'; if (/^(mov|mpe?g|movie)$/.test(s)) return 'quicktime'; return 'html'; }, preloadImages: function(href, chain) { if (this !== fb) return fb.preloadImages(href, chain); if (typeof chain !== 'undefined') arguments.callee.chain = chain; if (!href && arguments.callee.chain && (this.preloadAll || !this.preloads.count)) { for (var i = 0, len = this.anchors.length; i < len; i++) { var a = this.anchors[i]; if (a.type === 'img' && !this.preloads[a.href]) { href = a.href; break; } } } if (href) { if (this.preloads[href]) { this.preloadImages(); } else { var img = this.preloads[href] = new Image(); img.onerror = function() { setTimeout(function() { fb.preloadImages(); }, 50); fb.preloads[href] = true; }; img.onload = function() { fb.preloads.count++; this.onerror(); }; img.src = href; } } }, start: function(anchor) { if (this !== fb.lastChild) return fb.lastChild.start(anchor); var that = this; this.preloadImages('', false); if (anchor.getAttribute) { var a = { rel: anchor.getAttribute('rel'), rev: anchor.getAttribute('rev'), title: anchor.getAttribute('title') }; a.revOptions = this.parseOptionString(a.rev); a.href = a.revOptions.href || anchor.href || anchor.getAttribute('href'); anchor.blur(); } else { var a = anchor; } this.isRestart = !!this.fbBox; if (this.isRestart) { if (!a.revOptions.sameBox) return new Floatbox().start(anchor); this.setOptions(a.revOptions); } else { this.clickedAnchor = anchor.getAttribute ? anchor : false; } a.level = this.children.length + (fb.lastChild.fbBox && !a.revOptions.sameBox ? 1 : 0); this.itemsShown = 0; fb.previousAnchor = this.currentItem; this.buildItemArray(a); if (!this.itemCount) return; if (this.itemCount === 1 && this.fbNavControls) this.fbNavControls.style.display = 'none'; self.focus(); this.revOptions = a.revOptions; if (!this.isRestart) { this.getOptions(); this.buildDOM(); this.addEventHandlers(); this.initState(); } this.collapse(); this.updatePanels(); var fetchAndGo = function() { that.fetchContent(function() { that.clearTimeout('slowLoad'); that.calcSize(); } ); }; if (this.fbBox.style.visibility || this.isRestart) { fetchAndGo(); } else { var offset = this.initialSize/2, size = { id: 'fbBox', left: that.pos.fbBox.left - offset, top: that.pos.fbBox.top - offset, width: that.initialSize, height: that.initialSize, borderWidth: that.outerBorder }; if (this.splitResize) { var oncomplete = function() { that.setSize(fetchAndGo, size); }; } else { this.timeouts.slowLoad = setTimeout(function() { that.setSize(size); }, this.slowLoadDelay); var oncomplete = fetchAndGo; } this.fadeOpacity(this.fbOverlay, this.overlayOpacity, this.overlayFadeDuration, oncomplete); } }, buildItemArray: function(a) { this.itemCount = this.items.length = this.currentIndex = 0; this.justImages = true; this.hasImages = false; var isSingle = /^(floatbox|gallery|iframe|lytebox|lyteframe|lightbox)$/i.test(a.rel); for (var i = 0, len = this.anchors.length; i < len; i++) { var a_i = this.anchors[i]; if (a_i.rel === a.rel && a_i.level === a.level) { if (a_i.revOptions.showThis !== false) { var isMatch = a_i.rev === a.rev && a_i.title === a.title && a_i.href === a.href.substr(a.href.length - a_i.href.length); if (isMatch || !isSingle) { a_i.seen = false; this.items.push(a_i); if (a_i.type === 'img') { this.hasImages = true; } else { this.justImages = false; } if (isMatch) this.currentIndex = this.items.length - 1; } } } } if (a.revOptions.showThis === false && a.href) { i = this.items.length; while (i--) { var href = this.items[i].href; if (href === a.href.substr(a.href.length - href.length)) { this.currentIndex = i; } } } this.itemCount = this.items.length; this.currentItem = this.items[this.currentIndex]; }, getOptions: function() { if (this.isChild) { for (var name in this.defaultOptions) { if (this.defaultOptions.hasOwnProperty(name)) this[name] = this.fbParent[name]; } this.setOptions(this.childOptions); } else { this.setOptions(this.defaultOptions); } this.doSlideshow = this.loadPageOnClose = this.sameBox = false; if (!(this.isChild || this.fbBox)) { if (typeof setFloatboxOptions === 'function') setFloatboxOptions(); if (typeof fbPageOptions === 'object') this.setOptions(fbPageOptions); if (this.enableCookies) { var match = /fbOptions=(.+?)(;|$)/.exec(document.cookie); if (match) this.setOptions(this.parseOptionString(match[1])); var strOptions = ''; for (var name in this.defaultOptions) { if (this.defaultOptions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { strOptions += ' ' + name + ':' + this[name]; } } var strPath = '/'; if (this.cookieScope === 'folder') { strPath = location.pathname; strPath = strPath.substring(0, strPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } document.cookie = 'fbOptions=' + strOptions + '; path=' + strPath; } } this.setOptions(this.revOptions); this.setOptions(this.parseOptionString(location.search.substring(1))); if (this.theme === 'grey') this.theme = 'white'; if (this.endTask === 'cont') this.endTask = 'loop'; if (this.navType === 'upper') this.navType = 'overlay'; if (this.navType === 'lower') this.navType = 'button'; if (this.upperOpacity) this.controlOpacity = this.upperOpacity; if (this.upperNavWidth) this.navOverlayWidth = this.upperNavWidth; if (this.upperNavPos) this.navOverlayPos = this.upperNavPos; if (this.showUpperNav) this.showNavOverlay = this.showUpperNav; if (this.dropShadow) this.shadowType = 'drop'; if (!/^(auto|black|white|blue|yellow|red|custom)$/.test(this.theme)) this.theme='auto'; if (!/^(overlay|button|both|none)$/i.test(this.navType)) this.navType = 'button'; if (!/^(auto|wh|hw)$/.test(this.splitResize)) this.splitResize = false; if (this.webkitOld && (this.navType === 'overlay' || this.navType === 'both') ) { this.navType = 'button'; } if (this.itemCount > 1) { this.isSlideshow = this.doSlideshow || /^(slideshow|lyteshow)/i.test(this.currentItem.rel); var overlayRequest = /overlay|both/i.test(this.navType), buttonRequest = /button|both/i.test(this.navType); this.navOverlay = this.justImages && overlayRequest; this.navButton = buttonRequest || (!this.justImages && overlayRequest); this.lclShowItemNumber = this.showItemNumber; this.lclNumIndexLinks = this.numIndexLinks; } else { this.isSlideshow = this.navOverlay = this.navButton = this.lclShowItemNumber = this.lclNumIndexLinks = false; } this.isPaused = this.startPaused; if ((this.lclTheme = this.theme) === 'auto') { this.lclTheme = this.currentItem.type === 'img' ? 'black' : /flash|quicktime/.test(this.currentItem.type) ? 'blue' : 'white'; } if (!this.doAnimations) { this.resizeDuration = this.imageFadeDuration = this.overlayFadeDuration = 0; } if (!this.resizeDuration) this.zoomImageStart = false; if (!/[tb][lr]/.test(this.controlPos)) this.controlPos = ''; if (!/[tb][lcr]/.test(this.infoPos)) this.infoPos = ''; this.controlTop = this.controlPos.charAt(0) === 't'; this.controlLeft = this.controlPos.charAt(1) === 'l'; this.infoTop = this.infoPos.charAt(0) === 't'; this.infoCenter = this.infoPos.charAt(1) === 'c'; this.infoLeft = this.infoPos.charAt(1) === 'l' || (this.infoCenter && this.controlTop === this.infoTop && !this.controlLeft); if (this.infoLeft === this.controlLeft && this.infoTop === this.controlTop) { this.infoLeft = true; this.controlLeft = false; } if (this.indexLinksPanel === 'info') { this.indexCenter = this.infoCenter; this.indexLeft = this.infoLeft; this.indexTop = this.infoTop; } else { this.indexLeft = this.controlLeft; this.indexTop = this.controlTop; } if (!/^(drop|halo|none)$/.test(this.shadowType)) this.shadowType='drop'; if (!/^(8|12|16|24)$/.test(this.shadowSize + '')) this.shadowSize = 8; this.shadowSize = +this.shadowSize; if (this.opera || (this.mac && !this.webkitNew)) { this.resizeTool = 'topleft'; } else { this.resizeTool = this.resizeTool.toLowerCase(); if (!/topleft|cursor|both/.test(this.resizeTool)) this.resizeTool = 'cursor'; } if (this.ieOld) this.shadowType = 'none'; if (this.padding + this.outerBorder === 0) this.zoomPopBorder = 0; if (this.overlayOpacity > 1) this.overlayOpacity /= 100; if (this.controlOpacity > 1) this.controlOpacity /= 100; }, parseOptionString: function(str) { if (!str) return {}; var quotes = [], match, rex = /`([^`]*?)`/g; while ((match = rex.exec(str))) quotes.push(match[1]); if (quotes.length) str = str.replace(rex, '``'); str = str.replace(/\s*[:=]\s*/g, ':'); str = str.replace(/\s*[;&]\s*/g, ' '); str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); var pairs = {}, aVars = str.split(' '), i = aVars.length; while (i--) { var aThisVar = aVars[i].split(':'), name = aThisVar[0], value = aThisVar[1]; if (typeof value === 'string') { if (!isNaN(value)) value = +value; else if (value === 'true') value = true; else if (value === 'false') value = false; } if (value === '``') value = quotes.pop() || ''; pairs[name] = value; } return pairs; }, setOptions: function(pairs) { for (var name in pairs) { if (pairs.hasOwnProperty(name)) this[name] = pairs[name]; } }, buildDOM: function() { this.fbOverlay = this.newNode('div', 'fbOverlay', this.bod); this.fbZoomDiv = this.newNode('div', 'fbZoomDiv', this.bod); this.fbZoomImg = this.newNode('img', 'fbZoomImg', this.fbZoomDiv); this.fbBox = this.newNode('div', 'fbBox'); this.fbShadowTop = this.newNode('div', 'fbShadowTop', this.fbBox); this.fbShadowRight = this.newNode('div', 'fbShadowRight', this.fbBox); this.fbShadowBottom = this.newNode('div', 'fbShadowBottom', this.fbBox); this.fbShadowLeft = this.newNode('div', 'fbShadowLeft', this.fbBox); this.fbShadowCorner = this.newNode('div', 'fbShadowCorner', this.fbBox); this.fbLoader = this.newNode('div', 'fbLoader', this.fbBox); this.fbCanvas = this.newNode('div', 'fbCanvas', this.fbBox); this.fbMainDiv = this.newNode('div', 'fbMainDiv', this.fbCanvas); this.fbLeftNav = this.newNode('a', 'fbLeftNav', this.fbMainDiv); this.fbRightNav = this.newNode('a', 'fbRightNav', this.fbMainDiv); this.fbOverlayPrev = this.newNode('a', 'fbOverlayPrev', this.fbMainDiv, this.strings.hintPrev); this.fbOverlayNext = this.newNode('a', 'fbOverlayNext', this.fbMainDiv, this.strings.hintNext); this.fbResizer = this.newNode('a', 'fbResizer', this.fbMainDiv, this.strings.hintResize); this.fbInfoPanel = this.newNode('div', 'fbInfoPanel', this.fbCanvas); this.fbCaptionDiv = this.newNode('div', 'fbCaptionDiv', this.fbInfoPanel); this.fbCaption = this.newNode('span', 'fbCaption', this.fbCaptionDiv); this.fbInfoDiv = this.newNode('div', 'fbInfoDiv', this.fbInfoPanel); if (this.infoLeft || this.infoCenter) { this.fbInfoLink = this.newNode('span', 'fbInfoLink', this.fbInfoDiv); this.fbPrintLink = this.newNode('span', 'fbPrintLink', this.fbInfoDiv); this.fbItemNumber = this.newNode('span', 'fbItemNumber', this.fbInfoDiv); } else { this.fbItemNumber = this.newNode('span', 'fbItemNumber', this.fbInfoDiv); this.fbPrintLink = this.newNode('span', 'fbPrintLink', this.fbInfoDiv); this.fbInfoLink = this.newNode('span', 'fbInfoLink', this.fbInfoDiv); } this.fbControlPanel = this.newNode('div', 'fbControlPanel', this.fbCanvas); this.fbControls = this.newNode('div', 'fbControls', this.fbControlPanel); this.fbNavControls = this.newNode('div', 'fbNavControls', this.fbControls); this.fbPrev = this.newNode('a', 'fbPrev', this.fbNavControls, this.strings.hintPrev); this.fbNext = this.newNode('a', 'fbNext', this.fbNavControls, this.strings.hintNext); this.fbSubControls = this.newNode('div', 'fbSubControls', this.fbControls); this.fbPlayPause = this.newNode('div', 'fbPlayPause', this.fbSubControls); this.fbPlay = this.newNode('a', 'fbPlay', this.fbPlayPause, this.strings.hintPlay); this.fbPause = this.newNode('a', 'fbPause', this.fbPlayPause, this.strings.hintPause); 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'fbPrev' : 'fbNext'].onclick((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) ? that.ctrlJump : 1); if (that.showHints === 'once') { that.fbPrev.title = that.fbNext.title = that.fbOverlayPrev.title = that.fbOverlayNext.title = ''; } } return false; case 32: if (that.isSlideshow) { that.setPause(!that.isPaused); if (that.showHints === 'once') that.fbPlay.title = that.fbPause.title = ''; } return false; case 9: if (that.fbResizer.onclick) { that.fbResizer.onclick(); if (that.showHints === 'once') that.fbResizer.title = ''; } return false; case 27: if (that.showHints === 'once') that.fbClose.title = ''; that.end(); return false; case 13: return false; } }, dragonDrop: function() { var that = this, fbBox = this.fbBox; return function(e) { e = e || window.event; if (/fb(Box|Canvas|Info|Caption|Item|Control|Index)/.test((e.target || e.srcElement).id)) { var startX = e.clientX, startY = e.clientY, box = that.fbBox.style, content = that.fbContent.style, pos = that.pos.fbBox, boxX = pos.left, boxY = pos.top; pos.dx = pos.dy = 0; var moveHandler = function(e) { if (that.currentItem.type === 'iframe' && !(that.ie || that.opera) && !content.visibility) content.visibility = 'hidden'; if (that.isSlideshow && !that.isPaused) that.setPause(true); e = e || window.event; pos.dx = e.clientX - startX; pos.dy = e.clientY - startY; box.left = (boxX + pos.dx) + 'px'; box.top = (boxY + pos.dy) + 'px'; (e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation()) || (e.cancelBubble = true); that.clearTimeout('dragonDrop'); that.timeouts.dragonDrop = setTimeout(upHandler, 1500); return false; }; var upHandler = function(e) { that.clearTimeout('dragonDrop'); e = e || window.event; if (document.removeEventListener) { document.removeEventListener("mouseup", upHandler, true); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveHandler, true); } else if (fbBox.detachEvent) { fbBox.detachEvent("onlosecapture", upHandler); fbBox.detachEvent("onmouseup", upHandler); fbBox.detachEvent("onmousemove", moveHandler); fbBox.releaseCapture(); } if (e) (e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation()) || (e.cancelBubble = true); pos.left += pos.dx; pos.top += pos.dy; content.visibility = ''; return false; }; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", moveHandler, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", upHandler, true); } else if (fbBox.attachEvent) { fbBox.setCapture(); fbBox.attachEvent("onmousemove", moveHandler); fbBox.attachEvent("onmouseup", upHandler); fbBox.attachEvent("onlosecapture", upHandler); } return false; } }; }, initState: function() { var that = this, box = this.fbBox.style, mainDiv = this.fbMainDiv.style, canvas = this.fbCanvas.style, zoomDiv = this.fbZoomDiv.style, zoomImg = this.fbZoomImg.style; if (this.currentItem.popup) this.currentItem.anchor.onmouseover(); var anchorPos = this.getAnchorPos(this.clickedAnchor, this.currentItem.anchor === this.clickedAnchor && this.currentItem.type === 'img'); if (anchorPos.width) { this.pos.fbZoomDiv = anchorPos; zoomDiv.borderWidth = this.zoomPopBorder + 'px'; zoomDiv.left = (anchorPos.left - this.zoomPopBorder) + 'px'; zoomDiv.top = (anchorPos.top - this.zoomPopBorder) + 'px'; zoomDiv.width = (this.fbZoomImg.width = anchorPos.width) + 'px'; zoomDiv.height = (this.fbZoomImg.height = anchorPos.height) + 'px'; this.fbZoomImg.src = anchorPos.src; box.visibility = 'hidden'; this.timeouts.slowLoad = setTimeout(function() { if (that.fbOverlay.style.display) that.fadeOpacity(that.fbOverlay, that.overlayOpacity, that.overlayFadeDuration); that.fbZoomImg.src = that.slowZoomImg; zoomDiv.display = zoomImg.display = ''; }, this.slowLoadDelay); } else { this.pos.fbBox = anchorPos; this.pos.fbBox.borderWidth = 0; this.pos.fbMainDiv = { width:0, height:0 }; } box.position = 'absolute'; box.left = box.top = box.width = box.height = box.borderWidth = '0'; mainDiv.borderWidth = this.innerBorder + 'px'; mainDiv.left = this.padding + 'px'; this.fbControlPanel.style[this.controlLeft ? 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'left' : 'right'] = Math.max(this.padding, this.panelPadding) + 'px'; canvas.visibility = 'hidden'; box.display = canvas.display = ''; if (this.shadowType === 'none') { this.shadowSize = 0; } else { var shadowTop = this.fbShadowTop.style, shadowRight = this.fbShadowRight.style, shadowBottom = this.fbShadowBottom.style, shadowLeft = this.fbShadowLeft.style, shadowCorner = this.fbShadowCorner.style; shadowRight.top = shadowBottom.left = shadowLeft.top = -this.outerBorder + 'px'; shadowRight.paddingRight = shadowBottom.paddingBottom = shadowCorner.paddingRight = shadowCorner.paddingBottom = (this.outerBorder + this.shadowSize) + 'px'; if (this.shadowType === 'halo') { shadowTop.paddingRight = shadowRight.paddingBottom = shadowBottom.paddingRight = shadowLeft.paddingBottom = (this.outerBorder*2 + this.shadowSize) + 'px'; shadowTop.top = shadowTop.left = shadowRight.top = shadowLeft.left = -(this.outerBorder + this.shadowSize) + 'px'; } else { shadowBottom.backgroundPosition = 'bottom left'; shadowRight.paddingBottom = shadowBottom.paddingRight = this.outerBorder*2 + 'px'; } } if (this.navOverlay) { if (fb.showNavOverlay === 'never' || (fb.showNavOverlay === 'once' && fb.navOverlayShown)) { fb.showNavOverlay = false; } else { this.fbOverlayPrev.style.backgroundPosition = this.fbOverlayNext.style.backgroundPosition = this.onPos; this.fadeOpacity(this.fbOverlayPrev, this.controlOpacity); this.fadeOpacity(this.fbOverlayNext, this.controlOpacity); } } this.initPanels(); this.lastShown = false; if (this.hideFlash) this.hideElements('flash'); if (this.hideJava) this.hideElements('applet'); if (this.ieOld) { this.hideElements('select'); this.fbOverlay.style.position = 'absolute'; this.stretchOverlay()(); attachEvent('onresize', this.stretchOverlay()); attachEvent('onscroll', this.stretchOverlay()); } }, hideElements: function(type, thisWindow) { if (!thisWindow) { this.hideElements(type, self); } else { var tagName, tagNames = type === 'flash' ? 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'Left' : 'Right')] = this.controlSpacing + 'px'; this.fbNavControls.className += controlPos; controlPanel.display = navControls.display = prev.display = next.display = ''; } var width = 0; if (this.showClose) { var close = this.fbClose.style; close.backgroundPosition = this.offPos; this.fbClose.className += controlPos; controlPanel.display = controls.display = subControls.display = close.display = ''; width = this.fbClose.offsetWidth; } if (this.showPlayPause && this.isSlideshow) { var play = this.fbPlay.style, pause = this.fbPause.style, playPause = this.fbPlayPause.style; play.backgroundPosition = pause.backgroundPosition = this.offPos; playPause['padding' + (this.controlLeft ? 'Left' : 'Right')] = this.controlSpacing + 'px'; this.fbPlayPause.className += controlPos; controlPanel.display = controls.display = subControls.display = playPause.display = play.display = pause.display = ''; play.top = this.isPaused ? '' : '-9999px'; pause.top = this.isPaused ? '-9999px' : ''; width += this.fbPlayPause.offsetWidth; } subControls.width = width + 'px'; controlPanel.width = controls.width = (width + this.fbNavControls.offsetWidth) + 'px'; if (this.lclNumIndexLinks) { var indexLinks = this.fbIndexLinks.style; if (this.indexLinksPanel === 'info') { this.fbIndexLinks.className += infoPos; infoPanel.display = ''; if (this.showIndexThumbs) infoPanel.overflow = 'visible'; } else { this.fbIndexLinks.className += controlPos; controlPanel.display = ''; if (this.showIndexThumbs) controlPanel.overflow = 'visible'; indexLinks['padding' + (this.indexLeft ? 'Left' : 'Right')] = '2px'; } indexLinks.width = '250px'; indexLinks.display = ''; } }, fetchContent: function(callback, phase) { var that = this; if (!phase) { if (this.fbContent) { this.fbMainDiv.removeChild(this.fbContent); delete this.fbContent; return this.timeouts.fetch = setTimeout(function() { that.fetchContent(callback, 1); }, 10); } } var item = this.currentItem; item.nativeWidth = item.revOptions.width; item.nativeHeight = item.revOptions.height; if (item.type !== 'img') { item.nativeWidth = item.nativeWidth || (fb.previousAnchor && fb.previousAnchor.nativeWidth) || this.defaultWidth; item.nativeHeight = item.nativeHeight || (fb.previousAnchor && fb.previousAnchor.nativeHeight) || this.defaultHeight; } if (this.ieOld) this.fbMainDiv.style.backgroundColor = item.type === 'img' ? '#000' : ''; this.itemScroll = item.revOptions.scrolling || item.revOptions.scroll || 'auto'; if (/img|iframe/.test(item.type)) { this.fbContent = this.newNode(item.type, 'fbContent', this.fbMainDiv); if (item.type === 'img') { var loader = new Image(); loader.onload = function() { item.nativeWidth = item.nativeWidth || loader.width; item.nativeHeight = item.nativeHeight || loader.height; that.fbContent.src = loader.src; if (callback) callback(); }; loader.onerror = function() { if (this.src !== that.notFoundImg) this.src = that.notFoundImg; }; loader.src = item.href; } } else { this.fbContent = this.newNode('div', 'fbContent', this.fbMainDiv); this.fbContent.style.overflow = this.itemScroll === 'yes' ? 'scroll' : (this.itemScroll === 'no' ? 'hidden' : 'auto'); if (item.type === 'inline') { var el = item.sourceEl.cloneNode(true); el.style.display = el.style.visibility = ''; try { this.fbContent.appendChild(el); } catch(e) { this.setInnerHTML(this.fbContent, el.innerHTML); } this.tagAnchors(this.fbContent); } else if (item.type === 'ajax') { this.xhr.getResponse(item.href, function(xhr) { if ((xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 203 || xhr.status === 304) && xhr.responseText) { that.setInnerHTML(that.fbContent, xhr.responseText); that.tagAnchors(that.fbContent); } else { that.setInnerHTML(that.fbContent, '

' + 'Unable to fetch content from ' + item.href + '

'); } }); } } this.fbContent.style.border = '0'; this.fbContent.style.display = ''; if (item.type !== 'img' && callback) callback(); }, updatePanels: function() { var infoPanel = this.fbInfoPanel.style, captionDiv = this.fbCaptionDiv.style, caption = this.fbCaption.style, infoDiv = this.fbInfoDiv.style, infoLink = this.fbInfoLink.style, printLink = this.fbPrintLink.style, itemNumber = this.fbItemNumber.style, item = this.currentItem, str; infoPanel.display = captionDiv.display = caption.display = infoDiv.display = infoLink.display = printLink.display = itemNumber.display = 'none'; if (this.showCaption) { str = item.revOptions.caption || item.title || ''; if (str === 'href') { str = this.encodeHTML(this.currentItem.href); } else { str = this.decodeHTML(str).replace(/&/g, '&'); } if (this.setInnerHTML(this.fbCaption, str) && str) infoPanel.display = captionDiv.display = caption.display = ''; } if (item.revOptions.info) { str = this.encodeHTML(this.decodeHTML(item.revOptions.info)); var options = item.revOptions.infoOptions || ''; if (options) options = this.encodeHTML(this.decodeHTML(options)); str = '' + (item.revOptions.infoText || this.strings.infoText) + ''; if (this.setInnerHTML(this.fbInfoLink, str)) infoPanel.display = infoDiv.display = infoLink.display = ''; } if (item.revOptions.showPrint) { var css = item.revOptions.printCSS || ''; str = '' + (item.revOptions.printText || this.strings.printText) + ''; if (this.setInnerHTML(this.fbPrintLink, str)) infoPanel.display = infoDiv.display = printLink.display = ''; } if (this.lclShowItemNumber) { str = this.justImages ? this.strings.imgCount : (this.hasImages ? this.strings.mixedCount : this.strings.nonImgCount); str = str.replace('%1', this.currentIndex + 1); str = str.replace('%2', this.itemCount); if (this.setInnerHTML(this.fbItemNumber, str)) infoPanel.display = infoDiv.display = itemNumber.display = ''; } var w = this.fbInfoLink.offsetWidth + this.fbPrintLink.offsetWidth + this.fbItemNumber.offsetWidth; if (this.ie) { if (this.fbInfoLink.offsetWidth) w += this.infoLinkGap; if (this.fbPrintLink.offsetWidth) w += this.infoLinkGap; if (this.fbItemNumber.offsetWidth) w += this.infoLinkGap; } infoDiv.width = w + 'px'; if (this.lclNumIndexLinks) { str = ''; var max = this.itemCount - 1, loRange, hiRange; if (this.lclNumIndexLinks === -1) { loRange = 0; hiRange = max; } else { var range = Math.floor(this.lclNumIndexLinks/2) - 1; loRange = this.currentIndex - range; hiRange = this.currentIndex + range; if (loRange <= 0) hiRange += Math.min(1 - loRange, range); if (this.currentIndex === 0) hiRange++; if (hiRange - max >= 0) loRange -= Math.min(1 + hiRange - max, range); if (this.currentIndex === max) loRange--; } var pos = this.indexTop ? 'down' : 'up', i = 0; while (i < this.itemCount) { if (i !== 0 && i < loRange) { str += '... '; i = loRange; } else if (i !== max && i > hiRange) { str += '... '; i = max; } else { if (i !== this.currentIndex) { var item = this.items[i]; str += '' + ++i; try { if (this.showIndexThumbs && item.thumb) { str += ''; } } catch(e) {} str += ' '; } else { str += ++i + ' '; } } } if (this.setInnerHTML(this.fbIndexLinks, str)) { if (this.indexLinksPanel === 'info') { infoPanel.display = ''; } else { this.tagAnchors(this.fbIndexLinks); } } } if (!infoPanel.display) this.tagAnchors(this.fbInfoPanel); }, calcSize: function(fit, pass) { var that = this; if (!this.fbBox) return; var boxX, boxY, boxW, boxH, mainW, mainH ; if (typeof fit === 'undefined') { fit = this.currentItem.type === 'img' ? this.autoSizeImages : this.autoSizeOther; } var box = this.fbBox.style, infoPanel = this.fbInfoPanel.style, controlPanel = this.fbControlPanel.style, indexLinks = this.fbIndexLinks.style, captionDiv = this.fbCaptionDiv.style, itemNumber = this.fbItemNumber.style; if (!pass) { this.displaySize = this.getDisplaySize(); if (this.showCaption && this.fbCaption.innerHTML) captionDiv.display = ''; if (this.lclShowItemNumber) itemNumber.display = ''; } this.upperSpace = Math.max(this.infoTop ? this.fbInfoPanel.offsetHeight : 0, this.controlTop ? this.fbControlPanel.offsetHeight : 0); this.lowerSpace = Math.max(this.infoTop ? 0 : this.fbInfoPanel.offsetHeight, this.controlTop ? 0 : this.fbControlPanel.offsetHeight); if (this.upperSpace) this.upperSpace += 2*this.panelPadding; if (this.lowerSpace) this.lowerSpace += 2*this.panelPadding; this.upperSpace = Math.max(this.upperSpace, this.padding); this.lowerSpace = Math.max(this.lowerSpace, this.padding); var extraSpace; if (this.shadowType === 'none') { extraSpace = 2*this.autoSizeSpace; } else if (this.shadowType === 'halo') { extraSpace = 2*this.shadowSize + this.autoSizeSpace; } else { extraSpace = this.shadowSize + 1.5*this.autoSizeSpace; } var pad = 2*(this.outerBorder + this.innerBorder) + extraSpace, maxW = Math.floor(this.displaySize.width - pad - 2*this.padding), maxH = Math.floor(this.displaySize.height - pad - this.upperSpace - this.lowerSpace), hardW = false, hardH = false; mainW = this.currentItem.nativeWidth + ''; if (mainW === 'max') { mainW = maxW; } else if (mainW.substr(mainW.length - 1) === '%') { mainW = Math.floor(maxW * parseInt(mainW, 10) / 100); } else { mainW = parseInt(mainW, 10); hardW = true; } mainH = this.currentItem.nativeHeight + ''; if (mainH === 'max') { mainH = maxH; } else if (mainH.substr(mainH.length - 1) === '%') { mainH = Math.floor(maxH * parseInt(mainH, 10) / 100); } else { mainH = parseInt(mainH, 10); hardH = true; } this.scaledBy = this.oversizedBy = 0; if (fit) { var scaleW = maxW/mainW, scaleH = maxH/mainH, fullW = mainW, fullH = mainH; if (hardW && hardH) scaleW = scaleH = Math.min(scaleW, scaleH); if (scaleW < 1) mainW = Math.round(mainW * scaleW); if (scaleH < 1) mainH = Math.round(mainH * scaleH); this.scaledBy = Math.max(fullW - mainW, fullH - mainH); if (this.scaledBy && this.scaledBy < this.outerBorder + extraSpace + this.panelPadding) { mainW = fullW; mainH = fullH; this.scaledBy = 0; } } boxW = mainW + 2*(this.innerBorder + this.padding); boxH = mainH + 2*this.innerBorder + this.upperSpace + this.lowerSpace; var infoH = this.fbInfoPanel.offsetHeight, controlH = this.fbControlPanel.offsetHeight; var infoW = boxW - 2*Math.max(this.padding, this.panelPadding); if (this.infoTop === this.controlTop && this.fbControls.offsetWidth) { infoW -= this.fbControls.offsetWidth + this.panelGap; } if (infoW < 0) infoW = 0; infoPanel.width = infoW + 'px'; if (!this.lclNumIndexLinks) { var indexW = 0; } else if (this.indexLinksPanel === 'info' || this.infoTop !== this.controlTop) { var indexW = infoW; } else if (this.indexLinksPanel !== 'info' && this.infoTop === this.controlTop && this.infoCenter) { var indexW = Math.max(this.minIndexWidth, this.fbControls.offsetWidth); } else { var infoUsed = Math.max(this.fbCaption.offsetWidth, this.fbInfoLink.offsetWidth + this.fbPrintLink.offsetWidth + this.fbItemNumber.offsetWidth); var indexW = Math.max(this.minIndexWidth, this.fbControls.offsetWidth, (boxW - infoUsed - 2*Math.max(this.padding, this.panelPadding))); if (infoUsed) indexW -= this.panelGap; } if (indexW) indexLinks.width = (indexW - (this.indexLinksPanel !== 'info' ? 2 : 0)) + 'px'; controlPanel.width = Math.max(indexW, this.fbControls.offsetWidth) + 'px'; var changed = this.fbInfoPanel.offsetHeight !== infoH || this.fbControlPanel.offsetHeight !== controlH; if (this.showCaption) { if (this.minInfoWidth > infoW && !captionDiv.display) { captionDiv.display = 'none'; changed = true; } } if (this.lclShowItemNumber) { if (this.fbInfoLink.offsetWidth + this.fbPrintLink.offsetWidth + this.fbItemNumber.offsetWidth > infoW && !itemNumber.display) { itemNumber.display = 'none'; changed = true; } } if (changed && pass !== 3) return this.calcSize(fit, (pass || 0) + 1); if (!fit) this.oversizedBy = Math.max(boxW - this.displaySize.width, boxH - this.displaySize.height) + 2*this.outerBorder + extraSpace; if (this.oversizedBy < 0) this.oversizedBy = 0; if (this.shadowType === 'halo') { extraSpace = this.shadowSize + this.autoSizeSpace/2; } else { extraSpace = this.autoSizeSpace; } if (typeof this.boxLeft === 'number') { boxX = this.boxLeft; } else if (mainW === maxW) { boxX = extraSpace; } else { var freeSpace = this.displaySize.width - boxW - 2*this.outerBorder; boxX = Math.floor(freeSpace/2); if (boxX < this.autoSizeSpace) { boxX = this.autoSizeSpace; } else { if (typeof this.boxLeft === 'string' && this.boxLeft.substr(this.boxLeft.length - 1) === '%') { boxX += parseInt(this.boxLeft, 10)/100 * boxX; } } } if (typeof this.boxTop === 'number') { boxY = this.boxTop; } else if (mainH === maxH) { boxY = extraSpace; } else { var freeSpace = this.displaySize.height - boxH - 2*this.outerBorder, ratio = freeSpace / this.displaySize.height, factor; if (ratio <= 0.15) { factor = 2; } else if (ratio >= 0.3) { factor = 3; } else { factor = 1 + ratio/0.15; } boxY = Math.floor(freeSpace/factor); if (boxY < this.autoSizeSpace) { boxY = this.autoSizeSpace; } else { if (typeof this.boxTop === 'string' && this.boxTop.substr(this.boxTop.length - 1) === '%') { boxY += parseInt(this.boxTop, 10)/100 * boxY; } } } var boxPosition = box.position; if (this.ieOld) { box.display = 'none'; this.stretchOverlay()(); } else { this.setPosition(this.fbBox, 'fixed'); } var scroll = this.getScroll(); this.setPosition(this.fbBox, boxPosition); box.display = ''; boxX += scroll.left; boxY += scroll.top; if (this.isChild) { var rex = /max|%/i, pos = this.fbParent.pos.fbBox, childX = rex.test(this.currentItem.nativeWidth) ? 99999 : (pos.left + boxX)/2, childY = rex.test(this.currentItem.nativeHeight) ? 99999 : (pos.top + boxY)/2; if (scroll.left < childX && scroll.top < childY) { boxX = Math.min(boxX, childX); boxY = Math.min(boxY, childY); } } var split = (pos = this.pos.fbBox) && !this.liveResize && this.splitResize; if (split === 'auto') split = boxW - pos.width <= boxH - pos.height ? 'wh' : 'hw'; var oncomplete2 = function() { that.fbBox.style.visibility ? that.zoomIn() : that.showContent(); }; var oncomplete = function() { that.setSize(split, { id: 'fbBox', left: boxX, top: boxY, width: boxW, height: boxH, borderWidth: that.outerBorder }, { id: 'fbMainDiv', width: mainW, height: mainH, top: that.upperSpace }, function() { that.timeouts.showContent = setTimeout(oncomplete2, 10); } ); }; this.timeouts.setSize = setTimeout(oncomplete, 10); }, setPosition: function(el, position) { if (el.style.position === position) return; var scroll = this.getScroll(); if (position === 'fixed') { scroll.left = -scroll.left; scroll.top = -scroll.top; } if (this.pos[el.id]) { this.pos[el.id].left += scroll.left; this.pos[el.id].top += scroll.top; } el.style.left = (el.offsetLeft + scroll.left) + 'px'; el.style.top = (el.offsetTop + scroll.top) + 'px'; el.style.position = position; }, collapse: function(callback, phase) { var that = this; if (!phase) { this.setPosition(this.fbBox, 'absolute'); this.fbResizer.onclick = null; this.fbResizer.style.display = 'none'; if (this.fbContent) { this.fbContent.onclick = null; this.fbContent.style.cursor = ''; } if (this.navOverlay) { this.fbLeftNav.style.display = this.fbRightNav.style.display = this.fbOverlayPrev.style.display = this.fbOverlayNext.style.display = 'none'; } var opacity = 0, duration = 0; if (this.currentItem.type === 'img' && !this.fbCanvas.style.visibility) { if (this.currentItem === this.lastShown && this.liveImageResize) opacity = 1; duration = this.imageFadeDuration; } this.liveResize = (opacity === 1); var oncomplete = function() { that.collapse(callback, 1); }; return this.fadeOpacity(this.fbCanvas, opacity, duration, oncomplete); } if (!this.liveResize) { this.fbMainDiv.style.display = 'none'; if (this.fbContent) this.fbContent.style.display = 'none'; this.clearTimeout('loader'); this.timeouts.loader = setTimeout(function() { that.fbLoader.style.display = ''; }, this.loaderDelay); } var infoPanel = this.fbInfoPanel.style, controlPanel = this.fbControlPanel.style; infoPanel.visibility = controlPanel.visibility = 'hidden'; infoPanel.left = controlPanel.left = '0'; infoPanel.top = controlPanel.top = '-9999px'; if (callback) callback(); }, restore: function(callback, phase) { var that = this; if (!phase) { if (this.fbShadowRight.style.display && this.shadowType !== 'none') { this.fbShadowRight.style.display = this.fbShadowBottom.style.display = ''; if (this.shadowType === 'halo') { this.fbShadowTop.style.display = this.fbShadowLeft.style.display = ''; } else { this.fbShadowCorner.style.display = ''; } } var infoPanel = this.fbInfoPanel.style, controlPanel = this.fbControlPanel.style, pad = this.upperSpace + this.pos.fbMainDiv.height + 2*this.innerBorder; infoPanel.top = (((this.infoTop ? this.upperSpace : this.lowerSpace) - this.fbInfoPanel.offsetHeight) / 2 - 1 + (this.infoTop ? 0 : pad)) + 'px'; controlPanel.top = (((this.controlTop ? this.upperSpace : this.lowerSpace) - this.fbControlPanel.offsetHeight) / 2 + (this.controlTop ? 0 : pad)) + 'px'; var pad = Math.max(this.padding, this.panelPadding) + 'px'; infoPanel.left = [this.infoLeft ? pad : '']; controlPanel.left = [this.controlLeft ? pad : '']; infoPanel.visibility = controlPanel.visibility = ''; this.clearTimeout('loader'); this.fbLoader.style.display = 'none'; this.fbMainDiv.style.display = this.fbContent.style.display = ''; var duration = (this.currentItem.type === 'img' && !this.fbCanvas.style.visibility) ? this.imageFadeDuration : 0, oncomplete = function() { that.restore(callback, 1); }; return this.fadeOpacity(this.fbCanvas, 1, duration, oncomplete); } if (this.currentItem.type === 'img' ? this.resizeImages : this.resizeOther) { var scale = 0; if (this.scaledBy > 35) { scale = 1; } else if (this.oversizedBy > 28){ scale = -1; } if (scale) { this.fbResizer.onclick = function() { if (that.isSlideshow && that.pauseOnResize && !that.isPaused) { that.setPause(true); } that.collapse(function() { that.calcSize(scale === -1); }); if (window.event) event.returnValue = false; return false; }; if (this.currentItem.type === 'img' && /cursor|both/.test(this.resizeTool)) { this.fbContent.style.cursor = 'url(' + (scale === -1 ? this.resizeDownCursor : this.resizeUpCursor) +'), default'; this.fbContent.onclick = this.fbResizer.onclick; } if (this.currentItem.type !== 'img' || /topleft|both/.test(this.resizeTool)) { this.fbResizer.style.backgroundPosition = (scale === -1 ? 'bottom' : 'top'); this.fadeOpacity(this.fbResizer, this.controlOpacity); } } } if (this.navOverlay) { var leftNav = this.fbLeftNav.style, rightNav = this.fbRightNav.style, overlayPrev = this.fbOverlayPrev.style, overlayNext = this.fbOverlayNext.style; leftNav.width = rightNav.width = Math.max(this.navOverlayWidth/100 * this.pos.fbMainDiv.width, this.fbOverlayPrev.offsetWidth) + 'px'; leftNav.display = rightNav.display = ''; if (fb.showNavOverlay) { overlayPrev.visibility = overlayNext.visibility = 'hidden'; overlayPrev.display = overlayNext.display = ''; overlayPrev.top = overlayNext.top = ((this.pos.fbMainDiv.height - this.fbOverlayPrev.offsetHeight) * this.navOverlayPos/100) + 'px'; } } if (callback) callback(); }, setSize: function(order) { var that = this, oncomplete = function() {}, arr = [[], []], defer = {}, node, i = arguments.length; if (order === 'wh') { defer.top = 1; defer.height = 1; } else if (order === 'hw') { defer.left = 1; defer.width = 1; } while (i--) { if (typeof arguments[i] === 'object' && (node = this[arguments[i].id])) { var obj = arguments[i]; if (!this.pos[obj.id]) this.pos[obj.id] = {}; for (var property in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(property) && property !== 'id') { var idx = defer[property] || 0; var start = this.pos[obj.id][property]; if (typeof start !== 'number' || node.style.display || node.style.visibility) { start = obj[property]; } arr[idx].push({ node: node, property: property, start: start, finish: obj[property] }); if (obj.id === 'fbMainDiv') { arr[idx].push({ node: this.fbContent, property: property, start: start, finish: obj[property] }); } if (obj.id === 'fbZoomDiv' && /\b(width|height)\b/i.test(property)) { arr[idx].push({ node: this.fbZoomImg, property: property, start: start, finish: obj[property] }); } this.pos[obj.id][property] = obj[property]; } } } else if (typeof arguments[i] === 'function') { oncomplete = arguments[i]; } } this.resizeGroup(arr[0], function() { that.resizeGroup(arr[1], oncomplete); }); }, showContent: function(phase) { var that = this; if (!phase) { var displaySize = this.getDisplaySize(); if (!this.resized) { var vscrollChanged = displaySize.width !== this.displaySize.width, hscrollChanged = displaySize.height !== this.displaySize.height; if ((vscrollChanged && Math.abs(this.pos.fbBox.width - displaySize.width) < 50) || (hscrollChanged && Math.abs(this.pos.fbBox.height - displaySize.height) < 50)) { this.resized = true; return this.calcSize(this.scaledBy); } } this.resized = false; self.focus(); if (this.ieOld) this.stretchOverlay()(); if ((this.disableScroll || (this.ffOld && /iframe|quicktime/i.test(this.currentItem.type))) && !(this.ieOld || this.webkitOld || this.ie8b2)) { if (this.pos.fbBox.width <= displaySize.width && this.pos.fbBox.height <= displaySize.height) { this.setPosition(this.fbBox, 'fixed'); } } if (this.currentItem.type === 'iframe') { this.fbContent.src = this.currentItem.href; } else if (/flash|quicktime/.test(this.currentItem.type)) { this.setInnerHTML(this.fbContent, this.objectHTML(this.currentItem.href, this.currentItem.type, this.pos.fbMainDiv.width, this.pos.fbMainDiv.height)); } this.prevIndex = this.currentIndex ? this.currentIndex - 1 : this.itemCount - 1; this.nextIndex = this.currentIndex < this.itemCount - 1 ? this.currentIndex + 1 : 0; var prevHref = this.enableWrap || this.currentIndex !== 0 ? this.items[this.prevIndex].href : '', nextHref = this.enableWrap || this.currentIndex !== this.itemCount - 1 ? this.items[this.nextIndex].href : ''; if (this.navButton) { if (prevHref) { if (!this.operaOld) this.fbPrev.href = prevHref; this.fbPrev.title = this.fbOverlayPrev.title; } else { this.fbPrev.removeAttribute('href'); this.fbPrev.title = ''; } if (nextHref) { if (!this.operaOld) this.fbNext.href = nextHref; this.fbNext.title = this.fbOverlayNext.title; } else { this.fbNext.removeAttribute('href'); this.fbNext.title = ''; } var prevOn = this.fbPrev.className.replace('_off', ''), nextOn = this.fbNext.className.replace('_off', ''); this.fbPrev.className = prevOn + (prevHref ? '' : '_off'); this.fbNext.className = nextOn + (nextHref ? '' : '_off'); } if (this.navOverlay) { if (!this.operaOld) { this.fbLeftNav.href = this.fbOverlayPrev.href = prevHref; this.fbRightNav.href = this.fbOverlayNext.href = nextHref; } this.fbLeftNav.style.visibility = prevHref ? '' : 'hidden'; this.fbRightNav.style.visibility = nextHref ? '' : 'hidden'; fb.navOverlayShown = true; } this.fbCanvas.style.visibility = ''; return this.restore(function() { that.timeouts.showContent = setTimeout(function() { that.showContent(1); }, 10); } ); } this.lastShown = this.currentItem; if (!this.currentItem.seen) { this.currentItem.seen = true; this.itemsShown++; } if (this.isSlideshow && !this.isPaused) { this.timeouts.slideshow = setTimeout(function() { if (that.endTask === 'loop' || that.itemsShown < that.itemCount) { that.newContent(that.nextIndex); } else if (that.endTask === 'exit') { that.end(); } else { that.setPause(true); var i = that.itemCount; while (i--) that.items[i].seen = false; that.itemsShown = 0; } }, this.slideInterval*1000); } this.timeouts.preload = setTimeout(function() { that.preloadImages(nextHref || prevHref || '', true); }, 10); }, objectHTML: function(href, type, width, height) { if (type === 'flash') { var classid = 'classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"', mime = 'type="application/x-shockwave-flash"', pluginurl = 'http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/', match = /\bwmode=(\w+?)\b/i.exec(href), wmode = match ? match[1] : 'window', match = /\bbgcolor=(#\w+?)\b/i.exec(href), bgcolor = match ? match[1] : '', match = /\bscale=(\w+?)\b/i.exec(href), scale = match ? match[1] : 'exactfit', params = { wmode:wmode, bgcolor:bgcolor, scale:scale, quality:'high', flashvars:'autoplay=1&ap=true&border=0&rel=0' }; if (this.ffOld) params.wmode = this.ffMac ? 'window' : 'opaque'; if (this.ffNew && href.indexOf('YV_YEP.swf') !== -1) params.wmode = 'window'; } else { var classid = 'classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"', mime = 'type="video/quicktime"', pluginurl = 'http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/', params = { autoplay:'true', controller:'true', showlogo:'false', scale:'tofit' }; } var html = ''; params[type === 'flash' ? 'movie' : 'src'] = this.encodeHTML(href); } else { html += mime + ' data="' + this.encodeHTML(href) + '">'; } for (var name in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(name)) { html += ''; } } if (type === 'quicktime' && this.webkitMac) { html += ''; } else { html += '

' + (type === 'flash' ? 'Flash' : 'QuickTime') + ' player is required to view this content.' + '
download player

'; } return html; }, newContent: function(index) { var that = this; this.clearTimeout('slideshow'); this.clearTimeout('resize'); this.currentIndex = index; fb.previousAnchor = this.currentItem; this.currentItem = this.items[index]; if (this.showNavOverlay == 'once' && this.navOverlayShown) this.showNavOverlay = false; var oncomplete = function() { that.updatePanels(); that.fetchContent(function() { that.calcSize(); }); }; this.collapse(function() { that.timeouts.fetch = setTimeout(oncomplete, 10); } ); }, end: function(all) { if (this !== fb.lastChild) return fb.lastChild.end(all); var that = this; this.endAll = this.endAll || all; this.fbOverlay.onclick = null; if (this.isChild) { if (this.endAll) this.imageFadeDuration = this.overlayFadeDuration = this.resizeDuration = 0; } else { if (document.keydownSet) { document.onkeydown = this.priorOnkeydown; document.keydownSet = false; } if (document.keypressSet) { document.onkeypress = this.priorOnkeypress; document.keypressSet = false; } parent.focus(); } if (this.ieOld) { detachEvent('onresize', this.stretchOverlay()); detachEvent('onscroll', this.stretchOverlay()); } for (var key in this.timeouts) { if (this.timeouts.hasOwnProperty(key)) this.clearTimeout(key); } if (this.fbBox.style.visibility) { if (!this.lastShown) this.fbZoomDiv.style.display = 'none'; } else if (this.currentItem.type === 'img' && this.zoomImageStart) { if (this.currentItem.popup) this.currentItem.anchor.onmouseover(); var anchorPos = this.getAnchorPos(this.currentItem.anchor, true); if (this.currentItem.popup) this.currentItem.anchor.onmouseout(); if (anchorPos.width) { this.fbZoomDiv.style.borderWidth = this.zoomPopBorder + 'px'; anchorPos.left -= this.zoomPopBorder; anchorPos.top -= this.zoomPopBorder; this.pos.thumb = anchorPos; return this.zoomOut(); } } if (!this.fbBox.style.visibility) { var anchorPos = this.getAnchorPos(this.currentItem.anchor, !this.currentItem.popup), offset = this.initialSize/2, initialPos = { id: 'fbBox', left: anchorPos.left - offset, top: anchorPos.top - offset, width: this.initialSize, height: this.initialSize }, zeroPos = { id: 'fbBox', left: anchorPos.left, top: anchorPos.top, width: 0, height: 0, borderWidth: 0 }, split = this.splitResize; if (split === 'wh') { split = 'hw'; } else if (split === 'hw') { split = 'wh'; } else if (split === 'auto') { split = this.pos.fbBox.width <= this.pos.fbBox.height ? 'hw' : 'wh'; } var oncomplete3 = function() { setTimeout(function() { that.fbBox.style.visibility = 'hidden'; that.end(); }, 10); }; if (split) { var oncomplete2 = function() { that.setSize(split, initialPos, function() { that.setSize(zeroPos, oncomplete3); }); }; } else { var oncomplete2 = function() { that.setSize(zeroPos, oncomplete3); }; } var oncomplete = function() { setTimeout( function() { if (that.fbContent) { that.fbMainDiv.removeChild(that.fbContent); delete that.fbContent; } }, 20); that.fbLoader.style.display = ''; that.fbCanvas.style.display = that.fbShadowTop.style.display = that.fbShadowRight.style.display = that.fbShadowBottom.style.display = that.fbShadowLeft.style.display = that.fbShadowCorner.style.display = 'none'; oncomplete2(); }; return this.collapse(oncomplete); } this.fbBox.style.display = 'none'; var level = this.children.length + 1, i = this.anchors.length; while(i && this.anchors[i-1].level >= level) i--; this.anchors.length = i; if (this.isChild) this.children.length--; fb.lastChild = this.children[this.children.length-1] || fb; var oncomplete2 = function() { setTimeout(function() { while (that.nodeNames.length) { var id = that.nodeNames.pop(); if (that[id] && that[id].parentNode) { that[id].parentNode.removeChild(that[id]); delete that[id]; } } if (that.endAll && that.isChild) { return fb.end(true); } else if (that.loadPageOnClose) { if (that.loadPageOnClose === 'self' || that.loadPageOnClose === 'this') { location.reload(true); } else if (that.loadPageOnClose === 'back') { history.back(); } else { location.replace(that.loadPageOnClose); } } }, 10); }; var oncomplete = function() { while(that.hiddenEls.length) { var el = that.hiddenEls.pop(); el.style.visibility = 'visible'; if (this.ffOld && this.ffMac) { el.focus(); el.blur(); } } var overlay = that.fbOverlay.style; overlay.display = 'none'; overlay.width = overlay.height = '0'; var duration = that.currentItem.popup ? 6.5 : 0; that.fbZoomDiv.style.opacity = '1'; that.fadeOpacity( that.fbZoomDiv, 0, duration, oncomplete2); that.currentItem = fb.previousAnchor = null; }; this.fadeOpacity(this.fbOverlay, 0, this.overlayFadeDuration, oncomplete); }, zoomIn: function(phase) { var that = this, zoomDiv = this.fbZoomDiv.style; if (!phase) { this.clearTimeout('slowLoad'); zoomDiv.display = this.fbZoomImg.style.display = ''; if (this.currentItem.popup) this.currentItem.anchor.onmouseout(); var pad = this.outerBorder + this.innerBorder - this.zoomPopBorder; var oncomplete = function () { that.fbZoomImg.src = that.currentItem.href; that.setSize( { id: 'fbZoomDiv', width: that.pos.fbMainDiv.width, height: that.pos.fbMainDiv.height, left: that.pos.fbBox.left + pad + that.padding, top: that.pos.fbBox.top + pad + that.upperSpace }, function() { that.zoomIn(1); } ); }; return this.fadeOpacity(this.fbOverlay, this.overlayOpacity, this.overlayFadeDuration, oncomplete); } if (phase === 1) { var boxPos = { left: this.pos.fbBox.left, top: this.pos.fbBox.top, width: this.pos.fbBox.width, height: this.pos.fbBox.height }; var pad = 2*(this.zoomPopBorder - this.outerBorder); this.pos.fbBox = { left: this.pos.fbZoomDiv.left, top: this.pos.fbZoomDiv.top, width: this.pos.fbZoomDiv.width + pad, height: this.pos.fbZoomDiv.height + pad }; this.fbBox.style.visibility = ''; var oncomplete = function() { that.restore(function() { that.zoomIn(2); }); }; return this.setSize( { id: 'fbBox', left: boxPos.left, top: boxPos.top, width: boxPos.width, height: boxPos.height}, oncomplete); } var show = function() { zoomDiv.display = 'none'; that.fbZoomImg.src = ''; zoomDiv.left = zoomDiv.top = zoomDiv.width = zoomDiv.height = that.fbZoomImg.width = that.fbZoomImg.height = '0'; that.showContent(); }; this.timeouts.showContent = setTimeout(show, 10); }, zoomOut: function(phase) { var that = this; if (!phase) { this.fbZoomImg.src = this.currentItem.href; var pad = this.outerBorder + this.innerBorder - this.zoomPopBorder; this.setSize( { id: 'fbZoomDiv', width: this.pos.fbMainDiv.width, height: this.pos.fbMainDiv.height, left: this.pos.fbBox.left + pad + this.padding, top: this.pos.fbBox.top + pad + this.upperSpace }, function() { that.zoomOut(1); } ); } if (phase === 1) { this.fbZoomDiv.style.display = this.fbZoomImg.style.display = ''; this.fbCanvas.style.visibility = 'hidden'; return this.collapse(function() { that.zoomOut(2); }); } if (phase === 2) { var pad = 2*(this.zoomPopBorder - this.outerBorder); return this.setSize( { id: 'fbBox', left: this.pos.fbZoomDiv.left, top: this.pos.fbZoomDiv.top, width: this.pos.fbZoomDiv.width + pad, height: this.pos.fbZoomDiv.height + pad }, function() { that.zoomOut(3); } ); } this.fbBox.style.visibility = 'hidden'; var end = function() { that.fbZoomImg.src = that.pos.thumb.src; that.end(); }; this.setSize( { id: 'fbZoomDiv', left: this.pos.thumb.left, top: this.pos.thumb.top, width: this.pos.thumb.width, height: this.pos.thumb.height }, end); }, setPause: function(pause) { this.isPaused = pause; if (pause) { this.clearTimeout('slideshow'); } else { this.newContent(this.nextIndex); } if (this.showPlayPause) { this.fbPlay.style.top = pause ? 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'-9999px' : ''; } }, fadeOpacity: function(el, opacity, duration, callback) { var startOp = +(el.style.opacity || 0); duration = duration || 0; this.clearTimeout['fade' + el.id]; var fadeIn = (startOp <= opacity && opacity > 0); if (duration > 10) duration = 10; if (duration < 0) duration = 0; if (duration === 0) { startOp = opacity; var incr = 1; } else { var root = Math.pow(100, 0.1), power = duration + ((10 - duration)/9) * (Math.log(2)/Math.log(root) - 1), incr = 1/Math.pow(root, power); } if (fadeIn) { el.style.display = el.style.visibility = ''; } else { incr = -incr; } this.stepFade(el, startOp, opacity, incr, fadeIn, callback); }, stepFade: function(el, thisOp, finishOp, incr, fadeIn, callback) { if (!el) return; var that = this; if ((fadeIn && thisOp >= finishOp) || (!fadeIn && thisOp <= finishOp)) thisOp = finishOp; if (this.ie) el.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + thisOp*100 + ')'; el.style.opacity = thisOp + ''; if (thisOp === finishOp) { if (this.ie && finishOp >= 1) el.style.removeAttribute('filter'); if (callback) callback(); } else { this.timeouts['fade' + el.id] = setTimeout(function() { that.stepFade(el, thisOp + incr, finishOp, incr, fadeIn, callback); }, 20); } }, resizeGroup: function(arr, callback) { var i = arr.length; if (!i) return callback ? callback() : null; this.clearTimeout('resize'); var diff = 0; while (i--) { diff = Math.max(diff, Math.abs(arr[i].finish - arr[i].start)); } var duration = this.resizeDuration * (this.liveResize ? 0.65 : 1); var rate = diff && duration ? Math.pow(Math.max(1, 2.2 - duration/10), (Math.log(diff))) / diff : 1; i = arr.length; while (i--) arr[i].diff = arr[i].finish - arr[i].start; this.stepResize(rate, rate, arr, callback); }, stepResize: function(increment, rate, arr, callback) { var that = this; if (increment > 1) increment = 1; var i = arr.length; while (i--) { var node = arr[i].node, prop = arr[i].property, val = Math.round(arr[i].start + arr[i].diff * increment), tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tag === 'img' || tag === 'iframe') { node[prop] = val; } else { node.style[prop] = val + 'px'; } } if (increment >= 1) { delete this.timeouts.resize; if (callback) callback(); } else { this.timeouts.resize = setTimeout(function() { that.stepResize(increment + rate, rate, arr, callback); }, 20); } }, getDisplaySize: function() { return { width: this.getDisplayWidth(), height: this.getDisplayHeight() }; }, getDisplayWidth: function() { return this.html.clientWidth || this.bod.clientWidth; }, getDisplayHeight: function() { if (this.webkitOld) return window.innerHeight; 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xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache'); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {}; callback(xhr); } }; xhr.send(null); } catch(e) {} } }; }, setInnerHTML: function(el, strHTML) { try { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(el); range.deleteContents(); if (strHTML) { var xmlDiv = new DOMParser().parseFromString('
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